Starbucks' New Oil-Infused Coffee May Wreck Your Stomach

Starting with olive oil as the star of its buzzworthy new Oleato coffee brand was controversial. The chain's February announcement of olive-

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oil-infused coffees didn't impress many customers. American coffee drinkers are learning that flavor isn't the only concern after the coffees' launch in select locations last month.

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One Twitter user plainly stated last week: "Apparently @Starbucks thinks #oleato #coffee causes diarrhea. If it wasn't already racing through me at light speed

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Unfortunately, this customer is not alone in their new coffee drink experience. Last week, another Twitter user called Oleato a "legit

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laxative". A Starbucks employee complained on Reddit that numerous coworkers "needing to use the restroom, if ya know what I mean" after trying the drinks.

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What may cause this unpleasant side effect of Starbucks' olive oil coffee? The consumer who called the coffee a "laxative" may be right,

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says Lauren Manaker, MS, RDN, LD, CLEC, a registered dietitian, author of The First Time Mom's Pregnancy Cookbook and Fueling Male Fertility, and Medical Expert Board member.

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"Olive oil can have a slight laxative effect for some people," Manaker adds. "And when olive oil is combined with caffeine, another factor that

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may promote a bowel movement, people may feel the effects." Manaker said this may not bother persons with regular bowel motions. 

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